Make all sent packages accessible to all workspace members
Allow senders to set package expiration
Managers can send packages to the entire workspace. The parameter can_users_send_to_workspace must be set to true.
Users can send packages to the entire workspace
Eligible external users allowlist is enabled. To set allowed users, groups, or emails, send a POST request to /admin/app_collaborators.
Allow external users with any email. The user does not have to be a specific registered user or group.
Delete this package after the specified time (in seconds)
Automatically apply encryption at rest to all packages
Delete recalled packages after the specified time (in seconds)
The Packages app is enabled
Require external users to log in in order to receive packages
Users can send packages to external users (outside of AoC)
Managers can send packages to external users (outside of AoC). The parameter external_package_sending_allowed must be set to true.
External senders must enter their email and name before sendng a package
The Packages app corresponding to the current app_id inherits the global app settings. The setting applies to the Packages app only at the workspace level.
Show the download count within package details
Automatically create a JSON file within all packages. This file includes shared inbox metadata and additional package information.
Users can create personalized URLs for public and authenticated links. The parameter url_shortening_enabled must be set to true.
Any user can request packages by sharing submission links.
Managers can request packages by sharing public submission links. The parameter public_invites_allowed must be set to true.
Users can shorten URLs from their standard length, to something like
If the workspace is attached to a node with a watermarking profile, you can enable package level watermarking.
Require watermarking on all sent packages. The parameter watermarking_allowed must be set to true.